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Relaxation, Awareness, Resilience: The Science and Practice of Rosen Method Bodywork
A New book by Ivy Green
Are you searching for a therapy that strengthens your internal resources of self-
Does it surprise you that a gentle touch can produce profound personal transformation?
Are you eager to learn how the inner workings of Rosen Method Bodywork accomplishes this?
Ivy Green's new book explains all this, and reveals how intelligent and self-
Why I Wrote This Book
I love teaching and practicing this work, so this resource is my song to honor it. I am absolutely certain that Rosen Method Bodywork (RMB) does specific things which allow us to improve the quality of our lives, and help us experience our deepest human essence.
This book analyzes what these specific things are, breaking Rosen Method Bodywork down into its components of touch, talk, response to shifts in breathing patterns, and compassionate attunement. Current neuropsychophysiological research is used to confirm how these components lead to healing and change. Although this reductionistic rendering can not capture the essence of the art of practicing RMB, these chapters provide a conceptual framework for your own therapeutic practice and presentations.
This book establishes Rosen Method Bodywork as a unique clinical discipline, and communicates its value to health-